BRACE Implementing Partners

BRACE Programme Outcomes & Outputs

BRACE Programme Synopsis

The box on the right presents a synopsis of the Balochistan Rural Development and Community Empowerment (BRACE) Programme

Our focal Government-counterpart is the Government of Balochistan Local Government and Rural development Department (LGRDD)

Programme Balochistan Rural Development and Community Empowerment (Brace)
Cost Euro 45 Million (Rs 6 Billion) - GRANT - Gob Contribution Rs 500 million
Duration 5 years (start date 1st July 2017 & end date 30th June 2022)
Impl. Partners: RSPN, BRSP, NRSP, HD and OPM
Target Districts 9-Pishin, Loralai, Duki, Killa Abdullah, Zhob, Jhal Magsi, Khuzdar, Washuk, Kech
Union Councils 249
Beneficiaries 1.9 million citizens; 300,000 households
Sector Rural Development
Focal Department Local Government & Rural Development Department, GoB

BRACE Objectives

The Programme has one Overall Objective and two Specific Objectives

BRACE Programme Overall Objective

(OO):The Overall Objective is to support the Government of Balochistan in reducing the negative impact of economic deprivation, poverty and social inequality, environmental degradation and climate change, and to turn this into opportunities to build and empower resilient communities participating actively in identifying and implementing socio-economic development activities on a sustainable basis in partnership with local authorities

BRACE Programme Specific Objectives 1

SO1: To empower citizens and communities and provide them with means enabling them to implement community-driven socio-economic development interventions, an increased voice and capability to influence public policy decision making through active engagement with local authorities for quality, inclusive, and equitable service delivery, and civic-oversight

BRACE Programme Specific Objectives 2

SO2: To foster an enabling environment for strengthening the capacities of local authorities to manage and involve communities in the statutory processes of the local public sector planning, financing and implementation process

BRACE Implementing Partners

BRACE is implemented through 3 components & 5 Implementing Partners (IP)

Component 1

July 2017 – June 2022/BRSP-NRSP/Community Empowerment through social mobilization and social & productive assets and infrastructure creation, and RSPN/Facilitating implementation of the programme by the BRSP & NRSP, by ensuring quality control, standardisation in procedures, developing a common M&E framework, baseline approaches, and gathering of lessons learnt.

Component 2

DAI Human Dynamics (DAI HD)/July 2017 - June 2022 – Development and implementation of a community-led development policy framework, accompanied by technical and institutional-capacity building interventions

Component 3

Oxford Policy Management (OPM) / Sep 2014 – Aug 2019. Public Finance Management Reform

Implementing Partners
  • BRSP - Balochistan Rural Support Programme
  • NRSP - National Rural Support Programme
  • RSPN - Rural Support Programmes Network
  • OPM Oxford Policy Management
  • DAI/HD Human Dynamics

Balochistan Counterparts & Coverage

BRACE works closely with the Government of Balochistan at Provincial level, and in 9 Target Districts.

Government of Balochistan Counterparts

  • Local Government & Rural Development Department (Lead Department)
    • District, Tehsil, UC, Village- Loacal DC/LG Govenment/ Council Members
  • Planning and Development Department
  • Finance Department
  • Balochhistan Rural Develpment Academy
  • Line Department

BRACE RSP Implementing Partners work in 9 target Districts and target 300.000 households & 1.9 million citizens

31 LSO Networks
9 LSO Networks at
District Level

For information on the work plans of the BRACE Implementing Partners, click on the RSPN, BRSP or NRSP LINKs at the bottom of the Home Page

BRACE Programme Results & Outcomes

Each BRACE Implementing Partner (IP) implements a series of Result Areas. The combined outputs or results of all the BRACE IPs are presented below


GoB will be supported in developing LOCAL DEVELOPMENT POLICY Framework


ONE Participatory Action Research on household poverty dynamics, THREE thematic/ sectoral studies and ONE synthesis report


PFM REFORM STRATEGY & ACTION PLAN are developed and implemented


3000 ELECTED REPRESENTATIVES trained on Balochistan Local Government Act, 2010


1,000 govt. officials/ elected representatives capacitated on CCD approaches


3, 100 women and youth will be trained


25,000 poor households will receive CIF loans


3,800 the poorest households will benefit from micro health insurance


300,000 households mobilized into 19,129 COs, 3,103 VOs, and 249 LSOs and 31 Tehsil & 9 District LSO Networks


10,000 poorest households will benefit from IGGs


25,500 households in 202 UCs will benefit from 363 CPI initiatives


3,400 PWDs assisted with provision of devices for enhance mobility

Community Mobilization Theory of Change

The chart below explains the Community Mobilization (CM) Theory of Change (ToC), how CM Results lead to Outcomes, and to Poverty Alleviation Impact

BRACE Expected Results

approx. rural households in nine districts mobilised and capacitated through people's own institutions (COs/VOs/LSOs) of which atleast


women beneficiaries reporting improved life skilss, economic empowerment, enhanced mobility, and leadership/management skilss


of the development plans resources mobilised from sources other than the governement investments


of Community Institutions meet the minimum acceptable thresholds on the institutional Maturity Index (IMI)


of the climate resilient community infrastructure projects are functional and maintained by the community institutions jointly with local authorities


community institutions (VOs and LSOs) have developed VDPs and UCDPs in partnership with local authorities


is capable of imparting comprehensive training on community-led development and local governance

BRACE Expected Outcomes

of the households of the targeted areas report improvedd access to basic social services

Policy Framework

for Community-led Development adapted by the GoB, and operationalised through PFM reform process and community local authorities interaction


Improvement in the citizens perception of their involvment in local governance process


of members of Cls and beneficiaries of socio-economic interventions are women

BRACE Expected Impact

of the targeted poor households see and improvement in their incomes


of the households graduate from the lowest (0-11 score) to upper poverty scorecard band levels


60 to 65 % of the SDG’s are related to Rural development. BRACE is therefore to contribute directly to following SDGs in Balochistan

BRACE is halfway (February 2020) and the full impact on SDGs cannot yet be assessed


  • Match SDG Indicators with RSP Socio-Economic Baseline at Village/UC/District levels
  • Assess at Village/UC/District levels Progress made by BRACE/RSPs Socio-Economic CD/CE Interventions in Relevant SDG Indicators
  • Report on Village/UC/District Progress Made in SDGs through BRACE > to GoB (P&D SDG Unit) , to EUD and to DPs and Seek Their Endorsement


  • Design Methodology to Aggregate BRACE Socio-Economic Progress in Selected SDG Indicators.
  • Facilitate Upward Aggregation of BRACE Impact on SDG from Village, UC, District, to Province Levels
  • Carry Out District-Specific and Province Wide Aggregation Surveys
  • Report the District/Province Progress on SDGs.
  • P&D SDG Unit to Reports to Federal SDG Unit, BRACE reports to EUD.
  • GoB SDG Unit Report (to include Chapter on impact of BRACE on SDGs)

BRACE Technical Assistance (TA) Component

The BRACE TA Component is implemented by DAI/Human Dynamics and the following TA team is mobilized

The TA Component aims to facilitate the Government of Balochistan (GoB) to design and implement an innovative GoB Community-Driven Local Government and Rural Development (CD-LG&RD) Policy & Fiscal Framework

The TA Component has one Overall Objective & two Specific Objectives

BRACE Programme Overall Objective

(OO):The Overall Objective is to support the Government of Balochistan in reducing the negative impact of economic deprivation, poverty and social inequality, environmental degradation and climate change, and to turn this into opportunities to build and empower resilient communities participating actively in identifying and implementing socio-economic development activities on a sustainable basis in partnership with local authorities

BRACE Programme Specific Objectives 1

SO1: To empower citizens and communities and provide them with means enabling them to implement community-driven socio-economic development interventions, an increased voice and capability to influence public policy decision making through active engagement with local authorities for quality, inclusive, and equitable service delivery, and civic-oversight

BRACE Programme Specific Objectives 2

SO2: To foster an enabling environment for strengthening the capacities of local authorities to manage and involve communities in the statutory processes of the local public sector planning, financing and implementation process

The BRACE TA Component aims to deliver it Objectives through outputs in five Result Areas

RA 1: Dedicated Policy Framework LG&CD Sector: For community-led local deliver economic, environmental and social outcomes, involving local government/ authorities and communities and their institutional arrangements for development and participation in local governance processes for effective and sustainable service delivery in partnership with local governments/authorities.

RA 2: Improved Capacities of Local Governments/Authorities: To become “developmental”, mobilise their resources to reach out to communities and systematically involve them in planning, co-resourcing and managing local development activities.

RA 3: The Balochistan Rural Development Academy (BRDA) Capacitated: BRDA to deliver a comprehensive capacity-building programme on community-driven development and local governance.

RA 4: Technical & Institutional Capacities IPs Strengthened: Implementing Partners (IP) to effectively support the GoB in its objective of improving (integrated) public service delivery, at (sub-) District and Village levels.

RA 5: Cross-cutting/Managerial Tasks by TA: Specific Cross-cutting tasks in support of the project objectives and achievement of the expected results

BRACE TA Selected Outputs As at March 2020 the following TA Outputs have been delivered

Result Area 1: Dedicated Policy Framework LG&CD Sector: For community-led local deliver economic, environmental and social outcomes, involving local government/ authorities and communities and their institutional arrangements for development and participation in local governance processes for effective and sustainable service delivery in partnership with local governments/authorities..

Organisational and institutional framework for the GoB counterpart institutions and stakeholders:

The TA continues to assist the GoB Secretary/Chief Foreign Aid (CFA), Planning and Development (P&DD) in its role as the Chair/Convenor/Coordinator of the...

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Sindh Exposure Visit by the Gob Delegation:

The TA organized a 4-day Sindh Exposure Visit, for a group of Balochistan BRACE Programme Stakeholders from 11 to 15 March, 2020 as a follow-up to a similar visit to Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KPK)...

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Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Exposure Visit by the Gob Delegation:

In December 2019, the TA organized a three-days KPK Exposure Visit, for a group of 20 officials (GoB, RSP. and TA). The purpose was to enhance the understanding funded Community Driven Local Development (CDLD)...

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Result Area 2: Improved Capacities of Local Governments/Authorities: To become “developmental”, mobilise their resources to reach out to communities and systematically involve them in planning, co-resourcing and managing local development activities

District Coordination Induction Training Course:

The TA facilitated the complementarity and synergy between RSP and GoB systems through Supply Side and Demand Side drivers through the ongoing series of “District Coordination” training/capacity-building events...

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Joint District Development Coordination (JDDC) meetings:

JDDC Meeting at District level Our TA District Coordinators and Assistant District Coordinators, based in the Deputy Commissioners’ Offices, play a key role in the reactivation of the Joint District Development Committee ...

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Result Area 3: The Balochistan Rural Development Academy (BRDA) Capacitated: BRDA to deliver a comprehensive capacity-building programme on community- driven development and local governance

District Coordination Capacity-Building and Training

The District Coordination (DC) Training Course started in December 2019 with the DC Induction Course. The DC Course directly strengthens the capacity of the BRDA...

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Conducting capacity assessment and developing the Capacity Building Plan for the BRDA:

BRACE TA will conduct a rapid capacity assessment and develop a BRDA capacity building plan that will address Institutional...

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Facilitating foreign trainings and exchange visits:

The Hague Academy for Local Government (The Netherlands) and BRACE TA will initiate a twinning arrangement between two institutions, aiming...

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Presentation of certificate ceremony at the end of the DC Induction Course held on 2 – 4 December, 2020 at the BRDA main training hall in Quetta

The BRACE TA team conducts the introductory capacity assessment session with the BRDA Director-General, staff and lecturers, in February 28, 2020 at the BRDA main campus in Quetta.

RA 4: Technical & Institutional Capacities IPs Strengthened: Implementing Partners (IP) to effectively support the GoB in its objective of improving (integrated) public service delivery, at (sub-) District and Village levels.

BRACE TA Exit Strategy:

BRACE TA Contributed to the IPs EXIT Strategy, which aims at establishing the right conditions and criteria, to ensure that Community Institutions are sustainable and can become mature partners in a GoB CD-LG&RD Policy Framework.

Facilitating inter-Implementing partners’ Coordination:

BRACE TA facilitates inter-IP Coordination, through the BRACE Operational Steering Committee (OSC) Meetings

Facilitating LSOs in the districts:

BRACE TA plays a facilitating role to seek Registration and Renewal Fee Waivers/Reductions for the LSO in the 9 Target Districts.

RA 5: Cross-cutting/Managerial Tasks by TA: Specific Cross-cutting tasks in support of the project objectives and achievement of the expected results

EU-Balochistan Cooperation Workshop on Improving Synergies and Complementarities:

The 2-days consultative Balochistan Synergies Workshop brought together multiple stakeholders (RSPs, GoB counterpart and cognate line departments, the EU, GIZ...

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Development of the Gender mainstreaming Strategy (GMS) and related activities:

The Gender Mainstreaming (GMS) assignment started in 2019 and resulted in key outputs such as: an updated GMS Strategy Document and GMS Action plans by each...

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Joint BRACE Communication and Visibility Strategy:

A joint BRACE C&V Strategy was formulated to guide the Implementing partners (IPs) and the GoB (LGRDD) to come up with C&V Messages that contribute to the purpose and objectives of the BRACE programme.


The BRACE TA DC/ADC staff assisting the Washuk Deputy Commissioner’s Office to distribute COVID-19 PPEs and humanitarian relief supplies in April, 2020

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Implementing Partners

Human Dynamics
Oxford Policy Management