BRACE Implementing Partners

Message from the Minister for Local Government and Rural Development

Message from the Minister for Local Government and Rural Development

Devolution of power to grassroots level, to provide better relief to the masses at their doorsteps, is a key governance principle of Local Government in Balochistan. It is therefore appreciated that the European Union has joined the Government of Balochistan to design and implement the Balochistan Rural Development and Community Empowerment (BRACE) Programme (2017-2022) 

The GoB Policies and Reforms of the Local Government and Local Bodies systems, aim at the further Devolution of Power, and the mobilization of all grassroots stakeholders through the BRACE Programme, is therefore fully aligned with our reforms.

The BRACE Programme has made a start with further empowering citizens and communities and providing them with means, enabling them to implement community-driven socio-economic development interventions, develop increased voice and capability to influence public policy decision making, through active engagement with local authorities for quality, inclusive, and equitable service delivery, and civic-oversight. Through the BRACE programme we will directly reach out to 9 Districts, 300,000 households with 1.9 million Pakistani citizens. The Government still has a long way to go in empowering the local communities, and through the BRACE programme we will foster an enabling environment for strengthening the capacities of local authorities to manage and involve communities in the statutory processes of the local public sector planning, financing and implementation process, with complementary roles to be played by local community, village and rural support organizations.

Implementing Partners

Human Dynamics
Oxford Policy Management